How to Build Internal Links for SEO

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When we hear about Search Engine Optimization (SEO), many aspects come to mind. We think about keyword research, content creation, technical SEO, or backlinks. But there is one element that sometimes gets left behind: Internal Linking. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the realm of internal links, discussing in detail how to build internal links for SEO.

Why is Internal Linking Important?

Before we discuss how to build internal links for SEO, let’s understand why internal linking is important. Internal linking is the process of creating links between different pages of your website. These links have two primary functions.

  1. Improving Usability Through Site Navigation: Internal links help users navigate your website. They allow users to seamlessly explore related content and understand the hierarchy and structure of your site.
  2. Distributing Page Authority: Internal links help distribute authority from one page to another. The way search engines view it, a link from Page A to Page B is essentially a vote of confidence in Page B by Page A.

Together, these benefits make your website more user-friendly and improve its overall SEO ranking.

How to Build Internal Links for SEO

Understanding the Basics: Anchor Text and Link Value

Before you start building internal links, understanding the basic concepts of anchor text and link value is crucial.

  1. Anchor Text: Anchor text is the clickable text in a hyperlink, usually displayed in a different color. It gives search engines an idea of the content of the linked page, so it should be relevant, context-specific, and include keywords where possible.
  2. Link Value: The value or ‘link juice’ a page receives from an internal link depends on the linking page’s authority. It’s also influenced by the number of other links on that page, as the value gets divided among them.

The Anatomy of an Effective Internal Linking Strategy

With a grasp on the basics, let’s delve deeper into the specifics of how to build internal links for SEO. From leveraging existing content to avoiding over-optimization, there are essential elements to consider when crafting an effective internal linking strategy.

Making Use of Existing Content

At the beginning of your internal linking journey, the first port of call should always be your existing content. A treasure trove of internal linking opportunities, your current content can be maximized to its full potential.

Start by conducting a content audit. Analyze your articles or webpages for potential internal linking opportunities. Look for instances where you mention a topic covered in-depth on another page. The context must be relevant – adding links haphazardly will appear forced and can confuse your users and search engines.

For example, if you have a blog post about “the benefits of organic gardening”, you might link to a detailed guide you have on “how to start an organic garden”. This enriches the user’s journey, providing them additional, valuable information without leaving your site.

Creating a Lot of Content

Building a robust internal linking structure hinges on the breadth and depth of your content. With a diverse array of pages, you can create a more interconnected web of internal links. Aim to create consistent, high-quality content over time.

Remember, though, quality should never be compromised for quantity. While having more content increases your internal linking possibilities, poorly crafted content can harm your SEO efforts. Each piece should provide value to your users and merit an internal link from another page.

Implementing a Hierarchical Structure

Next, consider how your website is structured. A well-organized website not only helps distribute link authority effectively but also enhances the user experience by making navigation straightforward.

The best approach is to organize your website in a hierarchical structure. Start with your homepage at the top. This page typically has the most authority because it garners the most backlinks.

Following your homepage, you should have your main category pages. These pages can be thought of as the main sections of a book, each covering a different primary topic. From each category page, you can then link to related sub-category pages or individual blog posts or product pages. This creates a pyramid-like structure, with the homepage at the top and individual posts or pages at the bottom.

To ensure good user experience and SEO, each page should be reachable in three or fewer clicks from the homepage. This makes it easy for users and search engines to discover and index all your pages.

Utilizing Deep Links

In the pursuit of strong internal linking, remember to focus on linking to deep pages. Deep pages are those that are not directly linked from your homepage or main navigation menu. As these pages are not as accessible, they often need a boost in authority.

By linking to these pages from other, higher-authority pages, you can help to improve their visibility and authority. This approach not only boosts the SEO of the deep pages but also provides a more thorough, interconnected user experience.

Effective Use of Anchor Text

Anchor text, the clickable text in a hyperlink, serves as a relevance signal to search engines about the linked page’s content. Thus, it’s critical that your anchor text is relevant and context-specific.

Avoid generic phrases like “click here” or “learn more”. Instead, your anchor text should include meaningful keywords that reflect the linked page’s content. For instance, instead of writing, “To learn more about our SEO services, click here”, write, “Discover more about our comprehensive SEO services”.

Avoid Over-Optimization

While it’s important to utilize anchor text effectively, caution must be exercised to prevent over-optimization. Over-optimization occurs when you use the same keyword-rich anchor text for all your internal links. This can be perceived as manipulative by search engines, and potentially lead to penalties.

Strive for a balance between keyword-rich anchor text and more generic text. For example, if you’re linking to a page about SEO services, you might use anchor text like “our SEO services”, “learn more about SEO”, or “improve your search engine ranking”. By mixing it up, you avoid over-optimization while still providing relevant, useful links to your users.

By understanding and implementing these elements in your internal linking strategy, you’re well on your way to enhancing your site’s SEO and creating a seamless user experience. Remember that effective internal linking is a balancing act, and regular reviews and adjustments are key to success.

Practical Techniques: How to Build Internal Links for SEO

Armed with a solid understanding of the anatomy of an effective internal linking strategy, let’s now delve into the practical techniques for how to build internal links for SEO. These techniques are the hands-on ways you can put your strategy into action.

1. Content Silos

A content silo is a systematic way to organize and interlink related content on your site. Imagine each silo as a self-contained category or topic cluster. The main idea is to consolidate the authority and relevance of individual pieces into a unified whole.

For instance, consider a website about gardening. You could create separate silos for “indoor plants”, “outdoor plants”, “gardening tools”, and more. Each silo would house various relevant blog posts or webpages. Moreover, within each silo, the posts would link to each other, creating an interconnected network of related content. This practice sends a strong signal to search engines about the relevance and context of the content within each silo, improving your pages’ chances of ranking for related search queries.

2. Breadcrumbs

Breadcrumbs are a navigational aid that illustrates the user’s path through your website. They’re usually present at the top of a page, providing a trail for the user to follow back to the homepage. Breadcrumbs are vital for two reasons.

Firstly, they greatly enhance the user experience. Users can easily see where they are in the structure of your site and navigate to higher-level pages if needed. Secondly, breadcrumbs also help search engines understand the structure and hierarchy of your site. The added benefit is that they distribute link value throughout your site, helping to boost the authority of deeper pages.

3. Related Posts

A straightforward yet effective way to add internal links is by introducing a “related posts” section at the end of your articles or blog posts. This practice has a dual benefit.

Primarily, it encourages users to stay on your site longer and consume more content. Secondly, it provides an opportunity to boost the authority of related pages by linking to them. Ensure the posts you list are genuinely related and offer value to your readers. This will maximize the user engagement and SEO benefits.

4. Content Upgrades

Another technique is to periodically upgrade your content by adding relevant internal links. This doesn’t just mean when you create new content, but also reviewing older, established content.

For instance, say you’ve just written a new blog post about “how to grow roses”. You might have an older, related post about “the best outdoor plants”. Here, it would be appropriate to add a link in the older post to your new one. This practice can breathe new life into older content and help to increase the visibility and authority of your new content.

5. Navigation Links

The links in your main navigation menu are a crucial part of your internal linking strategy. Because these links appear on every page of your website, they carry significant authority.

The pages you link to from your main navigation should be the most important ones – typically, these will be your main category pages. By linking to these pages, you help to ensure they maintain a high level of authority. Plus, you make it easy for both users and search engines to find and navigate to these pages.

6. Footer Links

While they may not carry the same weight as other internal links, footer links can still serve a beneficial role for SEO. These links can be used to point to important pages or pages you want to be accessible from anywhere on your site. However, avoid stuffing your footer with too many links as this can look spammy and potentially harm your SEO efforts.

Regular Audits of Your Internal Linking Strategy

Finally, to truly master how to build internal links for SEO, you need to continually monitor and adjust your internal linking strategy. Regular audits can help you identify broken links, opportunities for new links, or links that no longer serve a purpose.

Numerous SEO tools can aid in this process. Screaming Frog and SEMRush, for example, can crawl your website, much like a search engine, and identify any issues with your internal links. Regularly auditing your internal linking strategy ensures it continues to support your SEO goals effectively.

By employing these practical techniques, you can construct a robust internal linking structure. Over time, this can greatly enhance your site’s SEO, helping you to rank higher in search engine results, and consequently, attract more organic traffic to your site.


Learning how to build internal links for SEO is a vital step in optimizing your website’s SEO. It’s an art of balancing relevancy, site structure, and the user experience. When executed correctly, it can significantly improve your site’s visibility on search engines, ultimately leading to more organic traffic. Start incorporating these techniques into your SEO strategy today and reap the rewards of an effective internal linking strategy.

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