Submit Your RSS Feed for Free: Harness the Power of RSS

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RSS feeds, otherwise known as Rich Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication, have been around for quite some time. However, their usefulness and potency have not diminished even slightly. Rather, with the evolution of digital marketing and search engine optimization, RSS feeds have become even more relevant. In this blog, we will delve into the importance of RSS feeds, the mechanics of submitting an RSS feed, and reveal 20 free directories where you can submit your RSS feed for free. Get ready to harness the full power of RSS feeds!

What is an RSS Feed and Why is it Important?

If you’re a blogger, website owner, or digital marketer, you’ve probably come across the term ‘RSS Feed.’ It’s a term that comes up quite often in discussions surrounding content delivery and site optimization. But what exactly is an RSS Feed?

RSS Feed is a web feed that allows users and applications to access updates to websites in a standardized, computer-readable format. This means that every time you update your site with a new blog post or article, subscribers to your RSS feed get notified automatically. Essentially, it’s a simplified way for your readers to keep up with your content.

So, why is it important? It enhances user experience by delivering updated content automatically to readers, making your site more attractive. More importantly, it aids in improving your website’s Google SEO, driving more organic traffic your way. With these benefits in mind, it’s easy to see why you would want to submit your RSS feed to directories.

Understanding How to Submit Your RSS Feed for Free

Submitting your RSS feed for free is a straightforward process. Yet, many people miss out on the numerous benefits it offers simply because they aren’t sure how to go about it. Let’s walk through the process step-by-step.

Firstly, you need to locate your website’s RSS feed URL. Most website platforms automatically generate this URL when you publish your site. The URL typically follows this structure:

Once you have your RSS feed URL, you can start submitting it to RSS directories. Each directory will have a submission form or method where you paste your RSS feed URL and provide any other required details. It’s as simple as that!

10 Free Places to Submit Your RSS Feed for Free

So, where exactly can you submit your RSS feed for free? Here’s a list of 20 RSS feed directories you can consider:

1. FeedBurner

FeedBurner is a Google product, and it is one of the most well-known RSS services. You can use it to manage your feeds, check the subscribers’ list, and much more.

2. Feedly

Feedly is a popular RSS aggregator that people use to read their favorite blogs and news sites in one place. Submitting your RSS feed here can significantly increase your reach.

4. FeedListing

FeedListing allows for free submission of RSS feeds. They also provide a summary of your website content, increasing your chances of getting noticed.

5. Pingomatic

Pingomatic is an automatic pinging service. When you submit your RSS feed URL, it pings several services to notify them of your website update.

6. Twingly

Twingly is a blog search engine where you can submit your blog RSS feed for free. They also offer a service to monitor blogs and social media.

7. Feedspot

Feedspot is a modern RSS reader. You can submit your RSS feed here for free, and users can add it to their feedly reader directly from the site.

8. Flipboard

Flipboard is a social network aggregation platform. Submitting your RSS feed to Flipboard can help you reach a new and diverse audience.

9. Blogflux

Blogflux is more than just a tool to submit your RSS feed; it also has a directory of blogs. It’s a great place to get noticed.

10. Plazoo

Plazoo is an international RSS feed search engine. Submit your RSS feed for free to reach a global audience.

Remember, when you submit your RSS feed for free to these directories, you’re not just increasing your website’s visibility. You’re also enhancing your site’s SEO and driving more organic traffic your way. With a process this simple and benefits so large, it’s time you started leveraging the power of RSS feeds!


The beauty of an RSS feed lies in its simplicity and functionality. It effortlessly delivers your content updates to your readers, ensuring that they never miss a post. By taking the time to submit your RSS feed for free, you’re inviting a wealth of benefits to your website. Start submitting your RSS feed to the directories mentioned above today, and watch as your online visibility, audience engagement, and website traffic improve!

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